June 2016, VOLUME: 2, ISSUE-2 |
I. Original Research Article |
Effectiveness of Planned Teaching Programme regarding the Prevention of Tuberculosis Among the Relatives of TB Patient Admitted at Murrari Lal Chest Hospital, Kanpur Mrs. Renu Tripathi M.Sc. (N) , Ms.Lili Kumari , Ms. Ranjeeta Kumari , Ms. Shashi Kumari ![]() The current study aimed to assess the level of knowledge regarding the prevention of TB among relatives of TB patients using a self-structured interview schedule. The objective of the study was to assess the level of knowledge, to find out association between levels of knowledge regarding prevention of TB among relatives of TB patients with their selected demographic variables. A quasi experimental study conducted to the relatives of TB patients admitted at MLCH, Kanpur, 60 relatives of TB patients were selected as samples by convenient sampling method. Tool consists of self-structured interview schedule to assess the level of knowledge regarding prevention of TB with 40 statements and the data was analyzed by using Descriptive Statistics and Inferential Statistics. The study revealed that majority 40 (66.66%) of the relatives of TB patients had excellent knowledge, 16 (26.66%) relatives had good knowledge, 4 (6.66%) relatives had average knowledge, and the rest 0 (0%) relatives of TB patients had poor knowledge regarding prevention of TB. Statistical analysis shows, the mean score obtained by relatives of TB patients is 24.3, which indicate that most of the relatives have average knowledge regarding prevention of TB, median score obtained by relatives is 24.68, which indicate that the most of relatives of TB patients have average knowledge regarding prevention of TB & standard deviation among relatives of TB patients is 5.12, which indicate that few relatives of TB patients have excellent knowledge. There is no association between the level of with selected demographic variables. |
A STUDY TO ASSESS THE KNOWLEDGE OF NURSING PERSONNEL REGARDING CARE OF NEONATES IN SELECTED HOSPITAL KANPUR. Mrs. Jasmi Manu and Ms. Moni Sachan ![]() A descriptive study was conducted on 60 nursing personnel in Rama Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, Mandhana Kanpur, to evaluate the knowledge of nursing personnel regarding care of neonates in selected hospital Kanpur Study was conducted at Rama medical college Hospital and Research Centre, Mandhana Kanpur. 60 nursing personnel were selected by convenient sampling technique. According to UNICEF (2009) 26% of neonatal death is due to neonatal sepsis, 27% is due to preterm,23% is due to asphyxia,7% is due to tetanus, 3% is due to diarrheal disease, 7% is due to congenital disease, 7% is due to others. A study conducted in UP demonstrated that a 50% neonatal mortality decline through arising awareness in the nursing home and hospital of such simple serviceable strategy as cleaning, drying and warming the newborn, skin to skin contact with the mother, aseptic techniques use and exclusive breast feeding for the first 6-months. Collected data was analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics. The result of the study revealed the most of nursing personnel 54(90%) had average knowledge, the overall mean knowledge and standard deviation scores were 22.96±2.85. Most of the Nursing personnel had average knowledge regarding care of neonates in all aspect. |
A STUDY TO EVALUATE THE EFFECTIVENESS OF STRUCTURED TEACHING PROGRAM [STP] ON KNOWLEDGE REGARDING EFFECTS OF PSYCHOACTIVE SUBSTANCES USE AMONG ADOLESCENT PATIENTS IN SELECTED HOSPITALS AT CHENNAI. Ms. S. Andal M.Sc (N) ![]() Mental health is an integral part of every individual’s life. People carry out their roles in society with a behaviour that is regarded as appropriate and healthy. It is a state of emotional, psychological and social well being evidenced by positive self concept and emotional stability. Man had used psychoactive drugs for a very long period, not only to enhance pleasure and relieve discomfort but also to facilitate the achievement of social, religious and ritualistic aims. The objectives are to assess the demographic variables, to assess the knowledge regarding the effects of psychoactive substances use, to evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching program [STP] and to associate the demographic variables with level of knowledge on psychoactive substances effects among adolescent patients. Pre experimental design with one group pre-test and post test design was used and 50 adolescents who are diagnosed as psychoactive substance abusers were selected by Purposive sampling technique. From the pre test knowledge out of 50 patients, 45 (90%) had inadequate Knowledge, and 5 (10%) had moderately adequate knowledge. None of them had adequate knowledge. In post test out of 50 patients one (2.5%) had moderately adequate Knowledge, 49 (97.5%) had adequate knowledge and none of them had inadequate knowledge. There was no significant association with the demographic variables of samples such as age, religion, educational status, occupation, family income, family type, locality, reason for intake of substances at first time and type of substance abuse used. The structured teaching programme was very effective to improve the knowledge level on effects of psychoactive substance abuse among adolescent patients. |
II. Review Article |
STEM CELLS Mrs. Usha Rani. Kandula ![]() Stem cells are the cells that develop into the specific cells that made up into the different kind of tissues in the human body. They have the ability to renew by themselves with the help of mitotic cell division and can differentiating into a different type of specialized cell. They are essential to the cell growth and development, cell maintenance, and repair of body tissues like brains, bones, muscles, nerves, blood, skin, and other organs. Stem cells are found in all human beings, from the early stage of development to the end of human life. The Stem cells are cells with have the potentiality to develop into much different kind of cells in the human body. They serve as a repair system for the human body. |
SOMATOFORM DISORDER Mr.Sunil Kumar Sharma M.Sc (N) ![]() The word somatoform is derived from the Greek word 'soma', which means psycho-somatic disease. Somatoform disorder is called those psychiatric disorders, which are having mainly physical symptoms. Patient treats them as serious diseases and revolves around different departments of medicine, but they can never be cured. In these diseases, the mind and body cannot be reconciled; they always experience various types of sensations that can happen from any part of the body. The main five types of diseases are Somatisation Disorder, Conversion Disorder, Hypochondriasis, Body dysmorphic disorder, pain disorder. The treatment of this disease is not medicine but these are used to prevent depression or excessive anger and irritation and for the stability of the mind. Counseling and psychiatric medicines are also effective |
Report on World Health Day – 2016 ![]() |
Report of International Nurses Day ![]() |
Report on World No Tobacco Day – 2016 ![]() |