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Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge Regarding Smoking and Its Health Hazards among Adolescents Boys in a Selected College at Indore

Dr. Sheikh Javed Ahmad and Mrs. Sindeshvari panche

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Adolescence is a stage of significant growth and potential but it is also considered to be a time of great risk. An estimated 150 million adolescent’s worldwide use tobacco. Approximately half of the young smokers will die of tobacco related diseases in later life. WHO estimates that unless current smoking pattern is reversed, tobacco will be responsible for 10 million deaths per year, by the decade 2020- 2030, with 70% of them occurring in developing countries? In this study 60 sample was selected by using simple random sampling technique from atal bihari vajpai arts and commerce college Indore,M.P.. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used for analysis; descriptive statistics have been used to present the features and characteristics of the samples while inferential statistics have been used to draw to valid inferences from the collected data. Before the intervention, majority of sample 60 out of 47 were in inadequate, followed by 10 in moderately adequate and 3 were in adequate. But after the intervention, majority of samples falls under the adequate that is 13 out of 60, 18 were in moderately adequate and 29 were in adequate score. Comparison of mean pre-test and post-test level of knowledge shows, the “t” value (28.92) was significant at 0.05 level with the degree of freedom 99. This indicates that, there is significant difference between pre-test and post-test level of knowledge regarding ill effects of cigarette smoking and its prevention among adolescent boys. Keywords: Adolescents, Smoking, hazards, tobacco.

Effectiveness of Structured teaching programme on level of knowledge regarding prevention of neonatal death among antenatal mothers.

Aakanksha Bajpai, Shubha , Nisha Gautam, Shashi Prabha, Soni Devi, and Deshraj

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Newborn babies have amazing abilities, yet they are completely depended on others for feeding, warmth and comfort. Newborn is a continuum of the fetal life and a very important transient time to adopt extra - uterine life. Hence, an experimental study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on level of knowledge regarding prevention of neonatal death among antenatal mothers in selected community health centre of Kanpur, UP. In this study 40 antenatal mothers were selected by convenience sampling technique from community health centre, Chaubeypur, Kanpur and their knowledge level was assessed using self structured knowledge questionnaire. The major finding of the study concluded that there was a significant difference between the mean pre test and mean post test knowledge score at p<0.05 level. Overall, Structured Teaching Programme is effective in improving the level of knowledge among antenatal mothers regarding prevention of neonatal deaths.

A study to assess the knowledge and practice regarding self-medication among GNM 3rd year nursing students in selected Nursing colleges of district Etawah.

Mrs. Babita Messy, Miss. Astha Verma

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Self-medication, an integral and vital component of self-care, is defined as “selection and use of medicines / medicinal products including herbal and traditional products by individuals to treat self-recognized illness or symptoms, or the intermittent or continued use of a medication prescribed by a physician for chronic or recurring diseases or symptoms.”A cross sectional study was conducted to assess the knowledge and practice regarding self medication among nursing students. A sample of 60 GNM 3rd year Nursing students was taken by convenient sampling technique method. Consent was taken from the sample before data collection by structured knowledge questionnaire. The result was found that nursing students of GNM 3rd year have good level of knowledge regarding self medication. Out of 60, twenty six(43.33%) have very good level of knowledge, twenty seven(45%) have good level of knowledge, seven(11.66%) have average knowledge regarding self medication. It was found that majority of them were taking medications without prescriptions of physician. There is found significant association between knowledge and demographic variables that are residence and mother’s highest qualification.

A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge Regarding Child Sexual Abuse among High School Students in Selected Schools at Gonda

Mr. Suveesh U.S, Prof. Shalini Peter

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Background of the study: Child abuse and neglect is one of the Nation’s most serious concerns. Child abuses or child maltreatment is any kind of physical, sexual, or psychological maltreatment or neglect of a child or children, especially by a parent or other caregiver. Child abuse may include any act or failure to act by a parent or other caregiver those results in actual or potential harm to a child. The global prevalence of child sexual abuse has been estimated at 19.7% for females and 7.9% for males. The Indian government has acknowledged that child sexual abuse 1s an issue whid1 requires government intervention.

 Objective of the study: To assess the pre-test level of knowledge regarding child sexual abuse among high school students. To develop and evaluate the structured teaching programme on child sexual abuse To assess the post-test level of knowledge regarding child sexual abuse among high school students To find the effectiveness of school-based education programme on child sexual abuse. To find out the association between pre-test knowledge score of knowledge on child sexual abuse with their selected demographic variables. Methods: The study involved non-experimental approach, and non-experimental one group pre and post-test design research design with non-probability convenient sampling technique. To collect the data from respondents, knowledge on child sexual abuse questionnaire was used and administered to 50 high school students following inclusion and exclusion criteria. The tool consisted 20 items regarding assessment of child sexual abuse. The results were described by using descriptive and inferential statistics. Result: In pre-test 10.0% had adequate where as in post-test 90.0% of the samples reached adequate knowledge on child sexual abuse. This shows an improvement in knowledge level after STP. In the assessment of pre-test overall mean knowledge mean percentage were 39.60. In the assessment of post-test overall mean knowledge mean percentage were 82.90. In this study the Calculated’t’ value ~0.607 was higher than the tabulated’t’ value of 2.027 So, the H hypothesis is accepted. The researcher concluded the teaching was effective. There was significant relationship between selected demographic variable 'knowledge on child sexual abuse with the knowledge level on child sexual abuse, as the calculated chi-square value is higher than the tabulated value m the 0.05 level of significance. So, the null hypothesis was rejected and H2 was accepted.

Plasma Therapy: A possible treatment for corona virus?

Pratibha Srivastava

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This is not the first-time convalescent plasma therapy is being considered as a treatment for viral infections.

  1. In 2014, the World Health Organization (WHO) had recommended the use of convalescent plasma therapy to treat patients with the antibody-rich plasma of those who had recovered from the Ebola virus disease.
  2. For the treatment of people infected with Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), which is also caused by a coronavirus, a protocol for use of convalescent plasma was established in 2015.
  3. During the 1918 H1N1 influenza virus (Spanish flu)pandemic, the therapy was used experimentally.
  4. The plasma therapy was used as a treatment during the H1N1 infection of 2009.

Others serious outbreaks that have seen the use of this therapy are the SARS outbreakMeaslesHIVpolio and mumps.

Before telling about plasma therapy, let me introduce you about antigen-antibody reaction. when any agent cause infection antibodies come into action to fight against agent, if antibodies win agent can’t harm our body but if blood don’t have antibodies against that agent, infection occurs in body. While the world's governments and the World Health Organization (WHO) urgently look at medical treatments that could actively fight the corona virus infection, some countries are looking at something called convalescent plasma therapy to treat those infected with the virus.

Plasma is the often-forgotten component in blood: It is the liquid part of blood, making up 55 percent of its overall content. When isolated on its own, blood plasma is a light-yellow liquid, similar to the color of straw. Along with water, plasma carries salts and enzymes.

The primary purpose of plasma is to transport nutrients, hormones and proteins to the parts of the body that need it. Cells also deposit their waste products into the plasma and the plasma, in turn, helps remove this waste from the body. Blood plasma also ushers the movement of all the elements of blood through the circulatory system.

Scientists and researchers are exploring various avenues to come up with medical treatments that can fight the novel corona virus. One such treatment that's in focus right now is Convalescent Plasma Therapy. Here, we explain what the convalescent plasma therapy is, the benefits and risks involved.

Convalescent Plasma Therapy is an experimental procedure to treat COVID 19 infection. In this treatment method, plasma from a COVID patient who has fully recovered is transfused into a corona virus patient with critical condition.

This therapy's concept is simple and is based on the premise that the blood of a patient who has recovered from Covid-19 contains antibodies with the specific ability of fighting novel corona virus. The theory is that the recovered patient's antibodies, once ingested into somebody under treatment, will begin targeting and fighting the novel corona virus in the second patient.

The convalescent plasma therapy is akin to passive immunization as, according to researchers, it is a preventive measure and not a treatment for the Covid-19 disease.

After China and the US, India has given a go ahead for framing a protocol to conduct a clinical trial for convalescent plasma therapy. The therapy has been used experimentally in the past and so has become a ray of hope in the fight against the novel corona virus pandemic.

Needle Stick Injury and Its Prevention among Health Care Workers

Mr. Mo. Faishal

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For the reason that the environment in which health care worker works, many of them at an increased risk of sudden needle stick injuries. Because of that health care workers are at risk of occupational accretion of blood borne pathogens such as HIV, hepatitis B and C, and other diseases [1]. Needle stick injuries have large number of indirect outcome in health care delivery system in the developing countries, where already the qualified manpower is limited for the diseases spreads in the population. These injuries not only increase health problems but also cause fear and distress in health care workers which results in lack of working hour which may affects the health care services and resources. That is why this topic is needed to be concern with health care sector and hospital authority. And also overcome of this problem we need to initiate some rule and regulation in hospital area and also organized continue nursing education (CNE) by which we can prevent this types of injuries [2].

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