Effectiveness of planned teaching programme on knowledge regarding menstrual hygiene among the high school adolescent girls in selected schools of Damoh Dr. Prof. Sudharani B Banappagoudar ![]() Adolescence is a transition period from childhood to adult life. During this period, pubertal development and sexual maturation take place. There is a substantial lacuna in the knowledge towards menstruation and menstrual hygiene among adolescent girls. Adolescent girls are often reluctant to discuss this topic with their parents, friends or anyone. This in turn leads to ignorance of the scientific facts and hygienic health practices among adolescent girls. Better knowledge and safe menstrual practices will avoid risk against reproductive tract infections and its consequences. With this scenario, it would be appropriate to give educational intervention to girls at school level itself. Therefore, increased knowledge about menstruation right from childhood may escalate safe practices and may help in mitigating the suffering of millions of women. Objective: The study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of planned teaching programme on knowledge regarding menstrual hygiene among high school adolescent girls in selected schools of Damoh. Setting: The study was conducted in selected schools of Damoh. Design: A pre experimental one group pre-test post-test design was used. Sampling technique: The samples of this study are selected by using non probability non-probability purposive sampling technique. Sample: The sample for present study comprises of 218 adolescent girls from selected high schools of Damoh. Tools for data collection: The structured questionnaire was used as an instrument to measure the level of knowledge regarding menstrual hygiene among adolescent girls. Finding & Results: The finding of pre-test data Scores showed that majority 77% of adolescent girls had inadequate knowledge and 20% of the sample had moderate knowledge 3% had adequate knowledge. Findings of post-test data showed that majority 85% of the sample had adequate knowledge and 10% of the sample had moderate knowledge and 5% had inadequate knowledge. The mean post-test knowledge score (30.73) also was higher than the mean pre-test score (13.34). The comparison of pre-test and post-test knowledge scores of adolescent girls shows the obtained‘t’ value 35.72 is greater than the table value at 0.05 (2.32) level of significance. Therefore “t” valve is found to be significant indicating that there is a significant difference between pre-test and post-test knowledge of adolescent girls. Chi-square test was calculated to find out the association between the demographic variables and the level of knowledge regarding menstrual hygiene among adolescent girls of selected high school adolescent girls of Damoh. The findings indicates that all the variables such as Age (χ 2 =2.69) Educational level (χ 2 =5.45), Religion (χ 2 =10.57) Family type (χ 2 =6.91), Mothers Education (χ 2 =2.90), Income of Family (χ 2 =3.64) Age of menarche (χ 2 =2.35), Source of information (χ 2 =4.10). Only in Religion, Family Type calculated P<0.01 were found to be significant at 0.05 level of significance. Thus it can be interpreted that there is no significant association between pre-test levels of knowledge among adolescent girls with their selected demographic variables. Conclusion: The study concluded that the PTP on Menstrual Hygiene was an effective method for providing moderate to adequate knowledge and help adolescent girls to adapt health life styles and to enable them to live a better quality of life by save guarding against the effects of poor Menstrual Hygiene |
Effectiveness of Family Therapy for Psychological Wellbeing among the Parents of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Children of Selected Institution of Indore (M.P.)”. Mr. Nitin Chicholkar ![]() Today’s children are tomorrow’s responsible citizens of the world. There is a great to emphasize on children these days because of that, a very substantial proportion of the world’s population, 35-45% constitutes young children. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the phrase that is used to describe children who have significant problems with high level of distractibility or inattention, impulsiveness and often with excessive motor activity levels. The purpose of present study is to assess the effectiveness of family therapy for psychological wellbeing among the parents of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) children of selected institution of Indore. The quantitative research approach and pre- experimental design in that pre-test post-test design used in this study. 60 samples have been selected by using non probability purposive sampling technique. Parenting stress index was used to dictate stress level of parents. overall possible scores on the scale range from 18 – 90.the findings of the study revealed that the mean after the intervention stress score (21.7) is apparently lower than the mean before the intervention stress level score (54.31) so statically there was significant difference in stress level score of the parents of ADHD children.. There is a significant association between before intervention stress level and selected socio demographic variables such as total number of family members, total number of children, type of family, and occupation of parent. The association was calculated by chi square test. Thus, parenting stress index was found effective in reducing stress level of parents of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) children of HCL institution of Indore. |
Therapeutic Plasma Exchange for COVID-19 Patients Ms. Priti Yadav ![]() Corona virus 2019 could be a pandemic with no specific therapeutic agent and substantial mortality. it's critical to search out new treatment to work out whether convalescent plasma transfusion beneficial within the treatment of critically ill patient with severe acute respiratory syndrome. Administration of convalescent plasma containing neutralizing antibody was followed by improve in their clinical status1 we still don't have drug or vaccines that specially target this vile virus. Hence, the requirement to seek out alternative therapeutic option is to optimize recovery and reduce the viral load because of COVID- 19 .Convalescent plasma therapy may be a potential therapeutic option being explored all over the globe. in this study, that mentioned the utilization of plasma therapy2. The plasma collected from convalescent COVID-19 patients contains neutralizing antibodies which show potential benefit in reducing viral load ...improvement in clinical symptoms like fever, cough and Dyspnoea. Lack of huge scale clinical trials on plasma therapy may be a major shortcoming before this therapeutic modality starts being extensively used. |
Phototherapy -A Life Saving Strategy For Preterm Babies Mr. Madan Mohan Gupta ![]() It is the best way to protect the new-born from jaundice by uses of light. Jaundice generally appears due to presence of higher than normal level of bilirubin in blood. Phototherapy has been considered as best way to protect the child from jaundice and millions of babies have benefited from phototherapy. Side effects are rare and it is generally considered a simple, safe and cheap procedure. Phototherapy is a treatment where the exposure of skin to a light source converts unconjugated bilirubin molecules into water soluble isomers that can be excreted by the usual pathways. Blue-green light is most effective for phototherapy as it both penetrates the skin and is absorbed by bilirubin to have the photochemical effect |
National Online Seminar on Support Breastfeeding for a Healthier Planet 2020 ![]()