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June 2018, Vol. 4, Issue 2

A study to assess the Knowledge regarding Household Water Sanitation Measures among Home Makers at selected rural area, Ramnagar, Kanpur.

Keshava Reddy M, Akandsha Pal, Bhanu Priya Verma, Mitesh Gupta, Deependra Yadav

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In India, water pollution is becoming a serious problem. Developing countries carry a heavy burden of water related diseases, the heaviest being the diarrhoea diseases. Improved water supply reduces diarrhoea morbidity by between 6% -25%. in drinking-water quality through household water treatment, such as chlorination at point of use, can lead to a reduction of diarrhoea episodes by between 35% and 39%. Improved water quality reduces childhood diarrhoea by 15-20% but better hygiene through hand washing and safe food handling reduces it by 35%. The present study is conducted to assess the knowledge regarding household water sanitation measures among home makers at selected rural area, Ramnagar, Kanpur. A descriptive survey approach with descriptive research design was adopted and convenient sampling technique was used to select the required numbers of homemakers. The sample size was 40. Data was collected by using structured questionnaire schedule. Data was analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics. The overall knowledge score of homemakers was 35.7% that is inadequate. There was no significant association found between socio-demographic variables and knowledge score.

A Study to Assess the Knowledge and Practice of Postnatal Mothers on Prevention of Infections in Early Puerperium

Kamlesh Rani

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Puerperal infection is the leading cause of maternal morbidity and mortality. The objectives are to assess the knowledge and practices of postnatal mothers regarding prevention of infection in early puerperium, to correlate the knowledge and practices of postnatal mothers regarding prevention of infection in early puerperium with each other. A descriptive, quantitative and cross sectional study was conducted among 80 postpartum mothers who attended postnatal OPD at Govt. Civil hospital, Gidherbaha, Muktsar and Kamboj hospital, Gidherbaha, Muktsar. Purposive sampling technique was used to select the study participants. Participants were assessed using tools which consisted of demographic variables, knowledge questionnaire and practice checklist regarding prevention of puerperal infection. The study revealed that half of the mothers had good knowledge towards prevention of infection in early Puerperium. The mean % of knowledge score was highest i.e.74.7% in ‘personal hygiene’ area and lowest i.e. 47.6% in the area of rest and exercise. Overall knowledge score was 65.8% in postnatal mothers. 94% of the subjects had unsatisfactory practice regarding prevention of infection. A strong positive correlation (r =+0.88) was found between scores of knowledge and practice score. The conclusions drawn from the study were that even though, the knowledge score of the postnatal mother was good, there is need to improve the healthy practices during Puerperium to prevent infection.

Knowledge about RCH Services among Women in a Selected Rural Area of Meerut

Namita Batra Guin, Nitin, Priya Kaushik, Deepa, Jyoti, Naeem, Preeti, Ravindar, Shiny, Nisha

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Around 800 women die from preventable causes related to pregnancy and childbirth. 99% of all these deaths occur in developing countries. Various strategies like RCH-II had been successful in halting the progress of maternal mortality, but we still lag behind from our counterparts. The utilization of all components of RCH is necessary to accomplish the goal. As the utilization also depends on awareness levels of beneficiaries, the authors undertook this study to determine knowledge levels of women regarding RCH services. Objectives of the study are to assess the knowledge levels of women regarding RCH services and to determine the association of knowledge levels of women with their socio-demographic variables. A structured interview schedule was administered to 105 women from rural area of Meerut District. The sample was selected using purposive sampling technique. The cross-sectional survey design was most suited for the study. The data analysis was done using both descriptive and inferential statistics. None of the women were found to have adequate knowledge. While only 16% of the subjects had moderate knowledge regarding RCH services. Around 50% of the women had utilized private health facilities during the time of illness. 24% women had more than two children, showing lack of family planning response among them, as only 41% women had knowledge regarding family planning services. The women did not have adequate knowledge regarding RCH services, and it was found be influenced by education status of women, the type of family they lived in and the number of children of women. Study suggests appropriate and innovative strategies to be planned to provide information regarding RCH services in the community. This will have positive impact on the utilization rates of RCH services.

A study to assess the effectiveness of STP (Structured Teaching program) regarding Knowledge on Family Planning among B.Sc Nursing 1st Year Students at Sahara College of Nursing and Paramedical Sciences, Lucknow (U.P)

Mrs Santhamma B, Miss Pratibha Srivastava, Miss Nitisha Shruti Julious, Miss Pooja Srivastava, Miss Pramila, Miss Pratibha, Miss Preeti Awasthi, Miss Preeti Shukla

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India’s population has already reached 1.26 billion in the current year and considering the present growth rate, by 2028, the country’s population will be more than China, according to a recent report from the UN. Though, the report has clearly mentioned that the rate of population growth has slowed down in recent years, due to effective implementation of family planning and family welfare programs, yet the rate is growing at a much faster rate compared to China. The national fertility rate is still high which is leading to long-term population growth in India. The study aimed at assessing knowledge of students regarding family planning and seeing effectiveness of STP by assessing pre and post-test knowledge score of experimental and control group and find out association of post-test knowledge score of experimental group with their selected demographic variables. In this study researcher used experimental approach, quasi experimental research design, non-probability-based Convenience sampling technique, Sample size is 60 i.e. 30 for experimental group and 30 for control group. Data collected by using structured questionnaire for pre-test assessment from experimental and control group both. STP was implemented on experimental group only, after 7days of STP. Post test was conducted for experimental and control group both. Association was seen between post test knowledge score of experimental group with their selected demographic variables. After analysis we found that pre-test knowledge score of experimental and control group was similar but after STP implementation post-test knowledge score of experimental group was high than post-test knowledge score of control group. There was no association seen between pre-test knowledge score of experimental group with their demographic variables.

Assessment of Knowledge and Utilization of Maternal and Child Health Services among Women

Christina Dean and Kamaljeet Kaur

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This paper attempts to study the knowledge and utilization of maternal and child health (MCH) services among woman residing in Badali and Gharuan village near Kharar. The total sample size was 60 women in selected rural areas Badali and Gharuan near Kharar (Punjab). Purposive sampling method was adopted to collect the data. Purposive sampling is non probability sampling technique. Self structured questionnaire was constructed to assess the knowledge and utilization of maternal and child health services among women extensive review of literature i.e books, journals, experts opinion and investigator’s professional experience and informal interviews with women, provided bases for the constitution of the self structured questionnaire tool. Findings indicated low utilization of MCH services provided by the public health system. One of the primary reason for the non utilization of MCH services may be the lack of knowledge on these services offered by the government, which may be attributed to high illiteracy and lower accessibility of institutions providing the services. Results suggest that there is a need to enhance service utilization by inducing awareness among women residing in selected villages in Kharar on MCH services that are provided by the Government.

Reviewed Article-Mentally Challenged Children

Mr. Madan Mohan Gupta

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Mentally challenged children refer to those children who show below average intelligence as well as difficulties in meeting the demands of everyday life whether it be in communicating and socializing with other or attending to grooming and domestic chores. It is a shocking and alarming fact that approximately 2.5 to 3% of the total population are mentally challenged which in most cases is a lifelong condition. The prevalence rate of mild mental retardation, as defined by an IQ of 50-70, was 3.71 per 1,000 populations for children. The prevalence rate of mild mental retardation in children aged 8-19 years with an IQ of 50-69 was 3.8 per 1,000. Child abuse is found in 3.6% among the mentally challenged children. The World Health Organization (WHO) has estimated that as many as 10-20% of all children and adolescents have some form of mental disability. The extent of the problem in our country presents a challenge to all societies throughout the nation. Mentally challenged cannot be cured. However, early detection, special education and training can help the mentally challenged to lead their lives independently to a great extent.

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