Effectiveness of the Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge Regarding Recent Developments in Infertility Management among Staff Nurses Working in Tertiary care Hospital Nellore, Andhra Pradesh Anjani Devi Nelvala, Vurimi Bhopal Chandra ![]() Infertility is a challenging experience affecting individual and couples‘adjustment. However, the way the members of the couple support each other may affect the experience of infertility and their adjustment. Fertility is highly valued in most cultures, and the wish for a child is one of the most basic human motivations. This study would help the nursing practitioner to understand Infertility Management. The study adopted a quasi-experimental one-group pre-test post-test design, and 60 subjects were selected using a non-probability convenient sampling technique. The setting of the study is Narayana College of Nursing, Nellore. The intervention was the Structured Teaching Programme. Socio demographic variables of the study population; out of the total study population, most of the samples, 24 (35%) are 25 -29 age, 47 (78%) are Female, 33 (55%) are B.Sc. graduates, 26 (43%) are10 – 14 years of experience, 36 (60%) are the rural area of living. The pre-test and post-test knowledge scores on recent trends in infertility management; 51 (85%) have inadequate knowledge in the pre-test and 4 (7%) in the post-test. 0 (0%) Adequate knowledge in the pre-test and 57 (95%) in the post-test. Associates the significance between the post-test level of knowledge and demographic variables, regarding age chi-square 8.93, regarding gender chi-square 6.25, regarding experience 22.54, p-value less than 0.05 level of significant, significant and education and area of living are non-significant. The present study concludes that the staff nurses’ knowledge increased significantly after the STP administration |
Hyperthyroidism [Graves' disease] Ms. Kiran Dwivedi ![]() Hyperthyroidism is a endocrine disorder in which tissue is exposed to excessive circulating thyroid hormone. Graves's disease is the most common cause of this syndrome, followed by toxic multinodular goiter and solitary hyper function in gnodules. |
Effects of Sleep Deprivation in College Students Ms. Neha Sharma ![]() The body requires adequate sleep in order to maintain good physiological health, psychological health and cognitive function. It helps keep your mind and body healthy. Today prolonged wakefulness is a widespread phenomenon; sleep deprivation is one of the reasons of wakefulness. Sleep deprivation can affect health, well-being and ability to do daily activities. In healthcare settings, adequate sleep is essential to ensure optimal patient care, otherwise leads to procedural errors. As sleep deprivation affects cognitive function resulting in poor academic performance. Identifying and to combat sleep deprivation phenomenon in college students key objectives. In order to assist students, you must comprehend the nature of sleep, the variables affecting it, and their sleeping patterns. Students need tailored strategies based on their unique behaviors, sleeping cycles, and sleep-related issues. |
A Descriptive study to assess postnatal maternal data of infant jaundice in rural areas of Rama hospital and Research Centre, Mandhana, Kanpur (UP) Mr. Prince Sharma ![]() Background: Jaundice is that the most common disease requiring treatment in newborns. The yellow discoloration of jaundiced neonatal skin and albudinia is the result of unconjugated accumulation. Animal pigment. Infant jaundice was initial represented in Chinese textbooks in all probability one thousand years agone. Eighteenth-century and his nineteenth-century medical treatises, essays, and textbooks contain discussions of the causes and cure of infant jaundice. Some texts conjointly describe the fatal consequences of presumptively Rh-Iso vaccination in infants. In 1875, Orth was the primary to explain yellowing of the brain in an exceedingly pattern Schmoll later known as icterus. |
Effectiveness of consuming date fruits during pregnancy and labor. Ms. Shalini Singh Tomar ![]() During pregnancy a mother needs more nutrients rich diet which can include plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables and balanced diet. Dates can be an excellent choice because it enriches with fiber nutrients and vitamins. Vitamin A, Vitamin B1, VitaminB2, vitamin B3 vitamin B4 and vitamin C and also it has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory compounds which means it can fight against infectious disease. Consuming dates during gestation help in the production of prostaglandins and oxytocin which facilitate normal labor. The date fruits have many health benefits. It is not only beneficial during pregnancy but it’s very useful for all age groups. The aim of this review article is to determine the effectiveness of consuming date fruits in pregnancy and labor. Pregnancy is a stage in which there are various anatomical and physiological changes occurs in the female body and increase metabolic demand. |