Rheumatic Fever Ms. Shivnetri Chauhan ![]() Rheumatic fever is a type of inflammatory disease condition which can affect the different organs of the body such as heart, body joints, nervous system and subcutaneous tissue. The causative organism for Rheumatic fever is Group A- beta hemolytic streptococci. The worldwide incidence of Rheumatic fever is 19 cases per 100,000 populations. The clinical manifestations of Rheumatic fever is divided into two broad categories according to Jones criteria i.e., major criteria and minor criteria. The clinical features under major criteria are arthritis (inflammation in joints which can be monoarthiritis or polyarthiritis), carditis(inflammation in all the layers of heart), Sydenham’s chorea(involuntary body movements especially in face and limbs), erythema marginatum (pink color lesions having dark boundary and faded at its center), subcutaneous nodules(nodules formed from the deposition of collagen fibres). The clinical features under minor criteria ate arthralgia (pain I the joints of body), hyper-pyrexia (high grade fever), high ESR (Erythrocyte sedimentation rate) value found in CBC report, high C - reactive protein (which represents infection and inflammation in body), prolonged PR interval found in ECG report. The diagnosis of Rheumatic fever is based on Jones criteria. For diagnosing the Rheumatic fever there should be the presence of 2 major criteria or either the presence of 1 major criterion and 2 minor criteria along with the presence of positive test for Group A- beta hemolytic streptococci. There are two main goals for the treatment of Rheumatic fever i.e., eradication of Group- A beta hemolytic streptococci and treatment of clinical manifestations associated with rheumatic fever.
A study to assess the knowledge, attitude and practice regarding blood donation among the nursing students in selected nursing college of Kanpur Shivnetri Chauhan, Sheetal Kanaujia ![]() Blood donation is itself considered as the backbone for saving lives of people via safe blood transfusion practices. Blood donation is not only helpful for recipient but it also gives some of the benefits to donor such as blood donation reduces the chances of getting myocardial infarction in regular voluntary donors. The present descriptive study was conducted in Rama University. The samples were collected by using non-probability convenience sampling. The sample size was 300 nursing students from Faculty of nursing, Rama University, Kanpur. The data was collected by using self-structured knowledge questionnaire, self-structured 5 point Likert scale and self structured checklist. While assessing the knowledge, majority percentage 65% were having good knowledge, 35% students were having poor knowledge. In attitude, majority percentage 66.67% had positive attitude and 33.33% had negative attitude. In practice, majority students 60% had good practice and 40% had poor practice. The association between knowledge, attitude and practice score with their selected demographic variable was analyzed by using one way ANOVA. It was found that there is no significant association between knowledge, attitude and practice with their selected demographic variable at 0.05 level of significance. Hence, hypothesis H01 was accepted. The correlation coefficient was calculated by using Karl Pearson r value. The correlation between knowledge and attitude was 0.6002, between knowledge and practice it was 0.0824 which signifies moderate positive correlation between knowledge- attitude and knowledge-practice. The correlation value between attitude and practice was (-0.2028) which represents the negative correlation. Hence, hypothesis H2 was accepted. The study concluded that there is a significant correlation between knowledge, attitude and practice regarding blood donation among the nursing students in selected nursing college of Kanpur |
A Study to Assess the Knowledge Regarding Selected Lower Respiratory Tract Diseases among Parents of Children Admitted In Selected Hospitals, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh Pallavi Sachan, Mrs. Minu S.R. ![]() Breathing affects respiratory, cardiovascular, neurological, gastrointestinal, muscular, and psychic system, and also has a general affects on yours sleep, memory, ability to concentrate, and your energy levels. Lower respiratory tract diseases causes in children when they suffer from infection in lower respiratory tract and it is very common, the signs of the lower respiratory tract diseases are fever, cough, sneezing, difficulty in breathing and rapid breathing. The incidence of lower tract respiratory tract diseases is approximately 4 and ½ million deaths every year in children in developing countries. A study was conducted to assess the knowledge regarding selected lower respiratory tract diseases among parents of children admitted in selected hospitals. A non experimental descriptive survey research design was used for the study. The setting of the study was Umrao Hospital and Savitri Memorial Mother and Child Care Shyam nagar, Kanpur Uttar Pradesh and the sample size was 100 parents selected by convenience sampling technique in the study. The data was obtained from self-structured questionnaire. The findings of the study shows that Mean value is 15.51, standard deviation value is 7.278 and the majority 54% of parents have moderate knowledge, 30% have good knowledge and 16% have poor knowledge. The association between level of knowledge regarding selected lower respiratory tract diseases among parents of children with their selected demographic variables. Age of the child, age of the parents, type of family, educational status of mother, occupation of mother, educational status of fathers, occupation of fathers, monthly family income, and any previous knowledge had significant level of knowledge except area of residence and relation to child. It can be concluded that the majority of parents have moderate level of knowledge regarding selected lower respiratory diseases. |
A study to assess the knowledge regarding neonatal hyper bilirubinemia among BSC nursing students in selected college of nursing in Kanpur Mrs. Shivangi sachan, Mrs. Minu S.R ![]() The term "kernicterus" turneded into brought withinside the early 1900 to consult the yellow staining of the basal ganglia discovered in infant who struggling with extreme jaundice [1]. The study was conducted to assess the level of knowledge regarding neonatal hyperbilirubinemia among BSC nursing students. The main objective of study was to assess the knowledge regarding neonatal hyperbilirubinemia and to associate the level of knowledge with selected demographic variables. A quantitative research approach with descriptive research design was used for this study [2] .The sample for the study was 100 BSC nursing students who were studying in Rama nursing college in Kanpur .The sample was selected by convenience sampling technique and structured knowledge questionnaire was used for this study to collect the data .The result showed that 40 (40%) having good knowledge level ,52 (52%) having average knowledge level and 8(8%) having poor knowledge level of students regarding neonatal hyperbilirubinemia .The study concluded that ,the knowledge level of students regarding neonatal hyperbilirubinemia is average and ,the study suggested that proper teaching and adequate training regarding neonatal hyperbilirubinemia will be helpful for the students to gain knowledge [3] . |
A study to assess the knowledge regarding common ear diseases in children among mothers of under five children admitted in selected hospitals, Kanpur Uttar Pradesh Mrs. Anshika sachan, Mrs. Minu S.R. ![]() Ear diseases have been an essential healthiness problem among children. It’s a significant public health concern in developing countries in spite of availability of a variety of potent treatment modalities. It’s essential to diagnose ear problem as early as possible in regulate to be managed appropriately. Ear is the one in every of the foremost advanced and sensitive organ. The foremost ear diseases like impacted wax, acute otitis media, chronic otitis media, foreign body in the ear, hearing impairment, otitis externa etc. the prevalence of ear diseases was found equally distributed among both gender and had a advanced prevalence at around 6 years. The present study aimed to assess the knowledge regarding common ear diseases in children among mothers of under five children. The objectives of the study were to assess the knowledge regarding common ear diseases among mother of under five children and To find out association between the knowledge scores regarding common ear diseases among the mothers of under five children admitted in selected hospitals with their selected demographic variables. The research approach used was Quantitative approach and A non- experimental descriptive survey research design was used for the study. The setting of the study was Sarvodaya hospital and Anjali hospital Barra Kanpur Uttar Pradesh and the sample size was 100 mothers among fewer than five children selected by convenient sampling technique. The data was collected and analysed on the basis of objective. The finding of the study showed that mean value 24.58, standard deviation value is 4.08 and the majority 56% of mothers have average knowledge 29% have good knowledge and 15% have poor knowledge. The association between the knowledge on common ear diseases among mothers of fewer than five children were assessed with their selected demographic variables. It showed that Marital status is the significant level of knowledge except the age in years, area of living, education ,occupation, monthly income, previous knowledge, and source of information, It concluded that the majority of parents have average level of knowledge on common ear diseases among mothers of under five children admitted in selected hospitals. |
A Study to assess the level of Resilience among staff nurses working at selected hospital, Lucknow, U.P Miss.Jyoti Pal, Mrs. Ekjot Kaur ![]() Resilience will be described because the ability to recuperate after difficult life experiences or overcome change or disasters .So as to develop resilience, one needs to encounter a stressor. Nurses encounter various traumatic situations particularly because of distressing and stressful work life. Therefore, it's important for nurses to strengthen their resilience in terms of managing difficulties, adapting to new situations, having realistic and positive future expectations and protecting their work and way of life.