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A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge Regarding Life Style Modification of Diabetic Mellitus among Rural Population in Selected Areas at Purba Bardhaman , West Bengal

Mrs. B.Archana

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A Study To Assess The Effectiveness Of Structured Teaching Program me On Knowledge Regarding Life Style Modification Of Diabetic Mellitus Among Rural Population In Selected Areas At Purba Bardhaman , West Bengal.

The objectives were 1. To assess the level of knowledge on lifestyle modification of diabetes mellitus among rural population. 2. To assess the effectiveness of structured teaching program me on knowledge regarding life style modification among rural population. 3. To find out the association between post-test level of knowledge regarding lifestyle modification with their selected demographic variables.

An evaluate research was considered the benefiting approach carry out this study. Pre-test and post-test experimental research design was used to assess the knowledge regarding life style modification of diabetes mellitus among rural population in selected areas at Rajkot. The measurement used in the present study was the knowledge regarding life style modification denotes as O1 and O2 for the pre-test and post-test respectively. The pre-test was administrated to the experimental and control group respectively. The 38 intervention and treatment introduced to the experimental group was a planned teaching program me on knowledge regarding life style modification of diabetic mellitus among rural population in selected areas at Purba Bardhaman, west bengal, which is denoted by X. The post test was administrated to the experimental and the control group respectively. the pre-test mean is 7.12 and a post-test mean is 14.18, the mean difference is 7.06 and the standard deviation for pre-test is 3.763 and the post-test is 4.997, obtained t value is 19.500 with degrees of freedom 39 at 0.000 level of significance.

“Evaluate the effectiveness of video assisted teaching Programme on knowledge regarding polycystic ovarian syndrome among first year B.Sc. nursing students in selected colleges of nursing at Rajahmundry”

Ms. Alajangi. Monika and Mrs. K. Santhi Sudha

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Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a condition which can affect a woman’s menstrual cycle, fertility, hormones and aspects of her appearance. Polycystic ovaries are slightly larger than normal ovaries and have twice the number of follicles (small cysts). Polycystic ovaries are very common affecting 20 in 100(20%) of women. The study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of video assisted teaching programme on knowledge regarding polycystic ovarian syndrome among first year B.Sc. nursing students. The main objectives of study were to assess the knowledge on polycystic ovarian syndrome and to associate the level of knowledge with selected demographic variables. An Evaluative research approach with pre- experimental research design was used for this study. The target population for the study was B.Sc. nursing students who are studying in GSL College of Nursing, Rajahmundry. Sample size was 60 students, were named by probability-simple random sampling technique and structured questionnaire was used for this study to collect the data. Data analysis was done by using descriptive and inferential statistics on the basis of objectives of the study. The results shows that the level of knowledge on polycystic ovarian syndrome among First year B.Sc. nursing students is out of 60 First year B.Sc. nursing students 40( 67) have inadequate knowledge, 19( 32) have moderately knowledge and 1( 1) had adequate knowledge. With respect to association between the levels of knowledge with the selected demographic variables shows no significance. The study concludes that, the knowledge level of students regarding polycystic ovarian syndrome among B.Sc. nursing students is inadequate, the study suggest that proper teaching and adequate training regarding polycystic ovarian syndrome will be helpful for the students to gain knowledge

“A Descriptive Study to assess the knowledge regarding importance of Pranayama among Pre-Menopausal women in selected urban area, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh”.

Miss Neeti Goyal, Prof. Jasmi Manu

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Pranayama is a Sanskrit word meaning “restraint of the prana or breath”, which is often translated as breath control. Pranayama techniques are beneficial in treating a wide range of stress disorders, symptoms of heat, mood swings, and irritation. The word “Menopause” can check any of the symptoms or changes a female goes through either just before or after she stops menstruating. Pranayama helps to alleviate from menopausal symptoms. The study was conducted to assess the Knowledge regarding importance of Pranayama among Pre-Menopausal women. The study was descriptive in nature. The sample size for the study was 100 Pre-Menopausal women in selected urban area of Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh. By using non probability convenient sampling technique and with the help of structured Knowledge questionnaire the data was collected. The study result showed that out of one hundred samples majority of fifty two samples had inadequate Knowledge, thirty second had moderately adequate Knowledge and only16% had adequate Knowledge. There is significant association of Knowledge and selected demographic variables such as Occupation (X2= 22.392), Source of information (X2= 20.875), Education (X2= 16.565), No. of deliveries (X2= 13.173), and Religion (X2= 9.105) on the Knowledge score of Pre-Menopausal women as the calculated value is more than tabulated value at 0.05 level of significance. The impact of Age at menarche (X2= 6.665), Type of family (X2= 3.753), Age in years (X2= 0.555), Mode of delivery (X2= 0.221) and monthly income per capita (X2= 1.134) on the Knowledge score of Pre-Menopausal women found to be non significant as the calculated value is less than tabulated value at 0.05 level of significance. It is concluded that importance of Pranayama is an important milestone for Pre-Menopausal women. So there is a need to explain correctly about Pranayama

“A Study to assess the knowledge regarding Bio-Medical Waste Management among Staff Nurses at S.V.R.R.G Hospital, Tirupati, Chittoor (Dt) A.P”.

Mrs. Syed Sumiya

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All human activities produce waste. Such waste may be dangerous and needs safe disposal. Industrial waste, sewage and agricultural waste pollute water, soil and air; it can also be dangerous to human beings and environment. Similarly, hospitals and other health care facilities generate lots of waste which can transmit infections, particularly HIV, Hepatitis B & C and Tetanus, to the people who handle it or come in contact with it. “A study to assess the knowledge regarding bio-medical waste management among staff nurses at S.V.R.R.G Hospital, Tirupati, Chittoor (dt) A.P. The main objectives of study were

1) to assess the knowledge of staff nurses regarding biomedical waste management.

2) To find out the association between the levels of knowledge of staff nurses regarding biomedical waste management with their selected socio demographic variables. 

A descriptive research design and non probability convinience sampling technique was adopted among 50 samples of Staff Nurses at S.V.R.R.G Hospital Tirupati based on the inclusion & exclusion criteria. Data was collected by using tool which consists of socio demographic variables and questionnaire related to Bio-medical waste management. A total 50 samples were included for the study and informed consent was obtained. Confidentiality of shared information was assured. Data was analyzed and interpreted by using descriptive and inferential statistical method (i.e. frequency and percentage mean, standard deviation, chi – square).    Result showed that mean and standard deviation of knowledge regarding Bio-medical waste management it includes mean 18 with 2.24 SD. 

Result showed that significant association between the level of knowledge regarding Bio-medical waste management with their selected socio demographic variables such as age and level of knowledge.

“A Study to assess the Knowledge of Primigravida Mothers Regarding New Born Care, at selected Hospital, Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh.”

Ms. Kesani. Vanaja lakshmi Durga Bhavani

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The birth of a baby is one of life’s most wondrous moment, babies have amazing abilities. They are completely depended on others for feeding, warmth and comfort. New Born is a continuum of the fetal life and very important transient time to adopt extra uterine life. The physical and mental wellbeing of every individual depends on the correct management of events in perinatal period. A Study to Assess the Knowledge of Primigravida Mothers Regarding New Born Care, At Selected Hospital, Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh. The main objectives of study were

1. To assess the existing level of knowledge of Primigravida Mothers regarding New Born Care.

2. To find out the association between knowledge of Primigravida Mothers regarding New Born Care with their selected demographic variables.

An Quantitative research approach with descriptive research design was used for this study. The target population for the present study was Primigravida Mothers who are attending for antenatal OPD of NRI General Hospital, Chinakakani, Guntur district, Andhra Pradesh. Sample size was 200 Primigravida Mothers, were selected by using purposive sampling technique and structured knowledge questionnaire was used for this study to collect the data. Data analysis was done by using descriptive and inferential statistics on the basis of objectives of the study. The results shows that the level of knowledge on newborn care among Primigravida Mothers is out of 200 Primigravida Mothers 109 i.e.54.5% had poor knowledge, followed by 88 (44%) respondents had good knowledge and least of 3 (1.5%) Primigravida Mothers had excellent knowledge regarding New Born Care. The present study revealed that the chi-square values computed for the knowledge scores of women and their education at p< 0.05 level of significance. The present study revealed that the chi-square values computed for the knowledge scores of women and their education at p< 0.05 level of significance. The present study revealed that the chi-square values computed for the knowledge scores of women and their education at p< 0.05 level of significance. Study concluded that majority of respondents had poor knowledge on New Born Care. The knowledge of Primigravida Mothers regarding New Born Care is significantly influenced by age, education, occupation, religion, type of family, source of information. There is no association between the knowledge of Primigravida Mothers regarding New Born Care and variables like family income, residence, and trimester, previous knowledge regarding New Born Care and Chronic medical conditions

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