March 2018, Vol. 4, Issue 1 |
Effectiveness of ‘structured educational program’ on knowledge of minor ailments during pregnancy and its management among primi gravida mother. Shipra Sachan, Monu Sonkar View/Download | Abstract »Minor disorders are defined as the discomforts associated with the pregnancy such as nausea, Vomiting, back pain, heartburn, pica, constipation, leg cramps, and varicose vein etc. A minor ailment is very common and is reported by 50%-80% of pregnant women. The healthy mother bring forth the healthy child. So many of minor disorders can be controlled and prevented using existing knowledge and affordable tools to the primi gravida mothers. A Quantitative research approach with “one group pretest and posttest design” was used in the study. 40 primi gravida antenatal women were selected by convenient sampling technique from CHC Kalyanpur. Structured Knowledge Questionnaire, were used for data collection. Data was collected by interview method. The post test was conducted after 7 days of intervention. It indicates that 22.5% of the primi antenatal mothers had poor knowledge and 77.5% has good knowledge before structured teaching program. After structured teaching program majority (70%) of primi antenatal mother had reported good knowledge and remaining 30% primi antenatal mother were reported excellent knowledge in post test. The mean posttest knowledge score (15.87±4.67) was significantly higher than mean pretest knowledge score (08.12±2.96). t=8.10, p<0.05.There were no significant association found between knowledge and demographic variables like are, religion, educational qualification, monthly income, type of family, period of gestation. It was concluded that structured educational programme was effective in improving the knowledge of primi gravida antenatal women. Further studies can be done on the knowledge and practice of women in rural and urban areas. |
Assessment of knowledge regarding kangaroo mother care among primi gravida mother Mrs. R. Sutha, Miss Prachi Yadav, Miss. Alka Mathur, Miss. Pratiksha Sachan, Mr. Rajnath Gaur View/Download | Abstract »Kangaroo mother care is an effective method to meet baby’s need for warmth, growth, well-being, breast feeding and protection from infection, stimulation, safety and love. Objective of the study was to assess the knowledge regarding kangaroo mother care among primi gravida mother and to associate the knowledge score with selected demographic variables. A cross sectional survey approach was used in this study. This study was carried out in Rama Hospital Mandhana Kanpur. A simple descriptive design was adopted and convenient sampling technique was used to select the requisite number of primi gravida mother. The study population included primi gravida mother in hospital area. Sample size was 40 primi gravida mother. Data was collected by structured schedule. Data was analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics. The study findinsg disclose that, out of 40 primi gravida mother most of them, 70% were belonged to the 21 to 25 year age group, majority of primi gravida mother 87.5% were belonged to Hindu religion, majority of primi gravida mother 70% were belonged to joint family, majority of primi gravida mother 45% were belongs to primary school , majority of primi gravida mother 95% were home maker as occupation, majority of primi gravida mother 42.5% were having Rs.5001- 10,000/month as family income and majority of primi gravida mother 85% were had poor knowledge regarding kangaroo mother care. There is no association between socio-economic and knowledge score variable. Kangaroo mother care is an effective method to meet baby’s need for warmth, growth, wellbeing, breast feeding, and protection from infection, stimulation, safety and love. The finding reveals that majority of primi gravida mothers 85% were having poor knowledge score 4.07±1.48, and there is a need of awareness among primi gravida mother in hospital areas. |
Effectiveness of Self Instructional Module on use of Aseptic Technique during Patient Care among Staff Nurses in District Hospital, Shahjahanpur (U.P.) Mrs. Blessy Thomas, Adarsh Kumar, Deeksha Rathour, Deepsk Gangwar, Ishika Shukla, Raj Kaur, Sonpal View/Download | Abstract »This study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of self instructional module on use of aseptic technique among staff nurses. The main objective of study was to assess the knowledge on aseptic technique among staff nurses in district hospital shahjahanpur (u.p.) A quantitative research approach was used to evaluate the knowledge regarding use of aseptic technique during patient care among staff nurses working in district hospital shahjahanpur U.P. and to find out the association between knowledge regarding use of aseptic technique during patient care among staff nurses with their selected demographic variables. The Descriptive research design was used for the study. The target population for the study was staff nurses who are working in district hospital Shahjahanpur. Samples were staff nurses in district hospital Shahjahanpur and sample size was 60 and sampling technique was structured questionnaire was used for this study. Data analysis was done by using descriptive and inferential statistics on the basis of objectives and hypothesis of the study and to compute data, master data sheet was prepared. The association between demographic variables and knowledge level was determined by chi square test.The result shows that the knowledge scores of staff nurses among 60, as adequate knowledge of staff nurses was (52) 86.67%, Inadequate knowledge of staff nurses as 8(13.33%) and nil knowledge level of staff nurses regarding aseptic technique as 0 %. The maximum mean knowledge score was 14.50, and the Standard Deviation was 11.15.The maximum level of knowledge was found moderately adequate. It was found in our study that there was no significant association between knowledge level and demographic variables except orientation of staff nurses. |
A comparative study on behavioral problems among pre-school children of working and non-working mothers Mr. Sandeep Arya, Ms. Shikha, Ms. shivangi yadav, Ms. shivani, Ms. Sneha dixit View/Download | Abstract »This study was conducted to assess behavioral problems among pre-school children of working and non-working mothers. A quantitative non-experimental research approach was used to evaluate the behavioral problem of preschool children and find out association between knowledge in working and non-working mother with their selected demographic variables. The target population for the study was mother of pre-school children in UPUMS Saifai. Sample size was 60 and sampling technique used for this study was purposive sampling. The interview method was used for collecting data from the mothers. Data analysis was done by both descriptive and inferential statistics on the basis of objectives and hypothesis of the study and to computer data, master data sheet was prepared, and the association between demographic variables and knowledge level was determined by chi square test. Total behavioral problems of pre-school children of working mother were 83.3% , out of which 80%were hostile-aggressive behavior, 20% anxious- fearful behavior and 10% were hyperactive- distractible behavior and total behavioral problems of pre-school children of non- working mothers were 10%, out of which only 3.3% preschool children were of anxious behavior. Association of behavioral problems in pre-school children of working mothers was only significant with birth order at level of P<0.02. t- test score shows that pre-school children of working mothers represents significant behavioral problems than non-working mother’s children at P<0.001 level of significance. This study result indicated as the need to be aware of behavioral problems of preschool children, special attention should be given in children of working mother. |
Article on Needs and Technology of Robotic Nursing Mrs.K.Usha Rani View/Download | Abstract »Today, the view and technology has changed. Now we can see, the technology has advanced so far that it makes sense now to consider robotic technology for cost and time savings, waste reduction and improve patient care in all healthcare settings. The Automation driven by digital health care technologies, such as robotics and artificial intelligence, could heavily contribute to the long-term sustainability and profitability of health care systems. The Robotic technologies appear in many areas that directly affect patient care in everywhere. Robotics can be used to disinfect patient rooms and operating rooms, reducing risks for patients and medical personnel. It can work in laboratories to take blood samples and to transport, to analyze, and to store them. This is especially good news for have ever had blood drawn by someone who had to try several times to find a “good vein.” The robotic lab assistant can locate that vessel and draw the blood with less pain and anxiety for the patient. The Robots also prepare and dispense medications in pharmacological labs. In the larger facilities robotic carts carry bed linens and even meals from floor to floor, riding elevators and maneuvering through automatic doors. There are robotic assistants that to help the paraplegic patients to move and can administer physical therapy. The robotic technology has good opportunities in the current generation in all health care areas. |