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The Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Program on Stress Management among Student Nurse in Rohilkhand College of Nursing Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh

Mr. Velladurai Narayanan,Ms. Smriti Vermani, Ms. Pooja Koranga, Mr. Adarsh Kumar

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Stress is a natural phenomenon that everyone experiences in his or her life time and is caused by stress causing factors or stressor constant stress brings about change in the balance hormones in the body which may leads to the situation or thought that makes us feel frustrate, angry, nervous, or anxious. A study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of structural teaching program on stress among student nurse in the selective institution in Bareilly, U.P with the objectives to assess the level of knowledge, to assess the effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme regarding stress management among student nurses and to find out the association between the level of knowledge with the selected demographic variables. A pre-experimental study with one group pre-test post-test design was used. This was conducted in selected institute Rohilkhand College of nursing Bareilly. The data was collected to assess the pre-test and post-test knowledge about stress management among the student nurse. The data was collected were analysed and interpreted by using descriptive and inferential statistics. Major finding of the study reveals that the pre-test knowledge scores of the study; Level of Knowledge regarding Stress management, the pre-test knowledge score was Inadequate 7 (14%), Moderate 43 (86%) and Adequate 0 (0%) and in the post-test, knowledge scores of samples said to be Inadequate 0 (0%), Moderate 10 (20%) and Adequate 40 (80%). the mean and standard deviation of knowledge level regarding stress management was in pre-test 22.7 and 2.45 and in post-test 24.8 and 3.82 respectively. The effectiveness of STP on knowledge regarding Stress Management the calculated t value was 12.5 which is more than the table value. it confirms that the teaching programme is effective. H1 is accepted. The association between the levels of knowledge regarding stress management with the selected demographic variables shows non-significant. The study concludes that the planned teaching programme was effective.

Effectiveness of Art Therapy on Primary Mental Function among Schizophrenics in a Selected Psychiatric Rehabilitation

Ms. Chandni. C, Mr. P.S Edwin Anand

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Schizophrenia is a complex chronic mental illness that is characterized by positive, negative and cognitive symptoms without racial or socioeconomic prejudice. It affects approximately one percent of the population worldwide and is a leading cause for disability and premature mortality in developed countries. The objective of the study was to assess the level of primary mental function among schizophrenics, to evaluate the effectiveness of art therapy on primary mental function among schizophrenics in experimental group and to associate the post test level of primary mental function among schizophrenics with their selected demographic variables. The conceptual frame work used for the study was based on J.W Kenny’s open system theory (1999). A quasi experimental pre test post test design with the control group design was used in this study and 40 samples selected by using non probability purposive sampling technique in Kongunadu Mananala Arakkattalai Psychiatric centre, Coimbatore. Art therapy was given for experimental group. Data was collected before and after intervention by using Standardized Mini Mental State Examination tool. The study findings showed that the obtained‘t’ value was 6.95*. It was significant at p<0.005 level. It shows that art therapy was effective in improving primary mental function among schizophrenics.

A Study to Assess the Effect of Video Assisted Teaching on Knowledge Regarding Organ Donation among Students in Selected Schools

Mr. P.S Edwin Anand, Ms.Babee

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Lack of awareness along with myths and misconceptions add to the low percentage of organ donation. Although college students are accustomed to idea of donating blood, organ donation after death continues to be a problem. The study to assess the effectiveness of video assisted teaching regarding organ donation was conducted with the objectives to assess the level of pre test & post test knowledge, to assess the effect of video assisted teaching on knowledge and to associate the pre test knowledge of video assisted teaching with selected demographic variables. A Quasi experimental with one group pre test post-test design was used to conduct the study with 50 students were selected by simple Random sampling technique. The results were the pre-test and post-test knowledge level of the samples. In pre-test out of 50 samples 33 (66%) having inadequate knowledge, 17(34%) having moderate adequate knowledge and 0(0%) member having adequate knowledge. In post-test out of 50 samples 0(0%) having inadequate knowledge,13(26%) having moderate adequate knowledge and 37(74%) members having adequate knowledge. The study concludes that the video assisted teaching programme was effective in providing knowledge on organ donation among school students.

A Study to Assess the Knowledge Level Regarding Safety Measures on Handling of Chemotherapeutic Drugs among Nurses in Selected Cancer Hospital, Kanpur.

Ms. Madhu Rajput and Mr. Raghavendran M.

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Lack Cancer refers to any one of a large number of diseases characterized by the development of abnormal cells that divide uncontrollably and have the ability to infiltrate and destroy normal body tissue. Cancer often has the ability to spread throughout body. Cancer is the second-leading cause of death in the world. But survival rates are improving for many types of cancer, to improvements in cancer screening, treatment and prevention. Chemotherapeutic drugs, administered as infusions or bolus injections, are usually prepared individually for each patient. Chemotherapeutic is the use of cytotoxic drugs in the treatment of cancer that provides cure, control, and palliation. The study was conducted with the aim to assess knowledge about safety measures regarding handling chemotherapeutic drugs among staff nurses .A Quantitative approach with descriptive research design was used in this study .100 Staff nurses were selected as samples by convenient sampling technique. Structured knowledge questionnaire was prepared and validated. The result of the study shows that out of 100 samples 13 (13%) are having poor knowledge, 54 (54%) are having average knowledge and 33 (33%) are having good knowledge. The mean and standard deviation of knowledge score were 12.01 and 2.14 respectively. With regard to association between knowledge and selected demographical variables of samples shows no significance. The study concludes that the staff nurses have moderate level of knowledge regarding safe handling of chemotherapeutic drugs.

Emotional Exhaustion: Results in well-being and service quality of health workers

Emotional Exhaustion: Results in well-being and service quality of health workers

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The study focuses to identify the opposing effects of emotional exhaustion on health professionals and to confirm coping strategies used by health professionals to overcome them. Emotional exhaustion is something that affects health professionals with negative effects on job satisfaction, and literature has suggested that work needs can be the cause of this chronic stress. Stress can leads to depression, anxiety, sleep disorders, and other disorders. Health care workers are more likely to view time pressure as a threat associated with the loss or loss of resources, which can lead to significant psychological burden. Practicing self-care may be necessary in addressing the responsibilities, responsibilities, and needs of their profession, and helping health professionals find better balance or integration between their work and their leisure time — and helping to protect their health, well-being, and satisfaction with their work and life.

EPerception and Acceptance of online learning among Nursing Students during COVID 19 Pandemic

Dr. Rahul B. Pandit, Ms. Sunita T Gite

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Educational technology improves efficiency in the educational system by removing the need for traditional methods of obtaining knowledge and learning. Quick access to information is ensured by technology, making teaching easier and making learning more enjoyable and stress free for students. In COVID pandemic, the use of information technology in education is unquestionable. When all educational institutions were closed due to the COVID - 19 pandemic, online learning surely gave a solution to most of our educational needs. The aim of this study was to assess perception and acceptance of online learning among Nursing students during COVID 19 pandemic. A descriptive cross sectional web based survey method was adopted for present study. The study comprised of 50 nursing students of selected nursing colleges. The Web based Perception and acceptance Likert scale was used to collect the data. Convenience sampling technique was used for data collection. Formal permission was obtained from concerned authority for data collection. The analysis of the data was done by using descriptive statistics. The present study shows that, Thirty four percentages of the nursing students were above 26 years of the age and majority 64 % were male. 54 % of nursing students were studying in Basic B. Sc. Nursing and 28% of the students studying in Post Basic B. Sc. Nursing. 54% of nursing students belongs to Hindu religion. Mean perception score of nursing students towards online learning during COVID 19 pandemic was 55.20. Mean acceptance score of nursing students towards online learning during COVID 19 pandemic was 23.72. Nineteen nursing students felt that online learning can solve the educational problems. 30 students said that it helps in saving time and 21 nursing students told that online learning improves access to learning material. Most of the nursing students felt that online learning does not help to achieve better result, increase students engagement in learning, improve teacher and student interaction and improve understanding of the concepts. 13 students said that it is too time consuming, 19 expressed that, online learning had little impact on them and 16 students said that it is as informative as the teacher. 22 nursing students agreed that online learning will never replace other forms of teaching and learning. 20 nursing students said that online learning helped them in reinforcing their knowledge. 21 students felt that it helped them organize their work. 25 nursing students agreed that online learning helps increase their effectiveness to create presentations and 29 students think that it has increased their research capability. 18 students feel that universities should adapt online learning for their students. The present study concludes that, Mean perception score of nursing students towards online learning during COVID 19 pandemic was 55.20. The mean acceptance score was 23.72. This indicates that online learning was perceived to be less effective than traditional learning. This could be the result of the introduction of new learning concepts. The nursing institutes should implement various programme to improve online learning that are more user friendly and allowing online experiences of practical sessions to be conducted successfully and efficiently. This finding will help to solve the actual problem faced by the students while running online classes to make the education system more effective. Online learning is a powerful tool for learning. However, successful implementation of online learning into the curriculum requires a well throughout strategy and a more active approach.

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