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December 2019 Volume 6 Issue 4

The application of Tea tree essential oil in Dentistry

Rahul Srivastava, Sekhar Mukherjee, Shalini and Shakeeba Rashid

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Tea tree oil, an essential oil extracted from the leaves of Melaleuca alternifolia by steam distillation and supercritical fluid extraction has found a wide range of antimicrobial activities as antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial due to the presence of terpinen–4-ol as the major constituent. Tea tree oil is natural products, so it is non-toxic, easily accessible, biodegradable, and biocompatible. The several advantages of tea tree oil make it one of the beneficial product having therapeutic effects. The present review article is based on the application of tea tree oil, extraction process of tea tree oil, constituents, safety considerations etc

Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma of the Palate Involving Maxillary Sinus- A Case Report

Ahmed Saad , Pathak Sunita, Seth Ravi and Bharti Kartikeya

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Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma accounts for nearly 10% of all salivary gland neoplasms. The majority of tumors arise in the minor salivary glands (60%). The lesion is most common in 5Th to 6th decade and is rare in individuals younger than 20 years of age. The tumor usually appears as a slow growing mass. Pain is a common and important finding, occasionally occurring early in the course of the disease. A 17 year old female presented with pain and swelling in the left maxillary posterior region. CT scan showed large expansile soft tissue mass present in the left maxillary sinus causing bony destruction of the inferior orbital wall, alveolar process of the maxilla and posterior wall of the maxillary sinus. On incisional biopsy, sections showed basaloid tumor cells arranged in small groups, cords and sheets interspersed with basophilic material. No cellular atypia and mitotic figures were evident. Immunohistochemistry showed positivity for cytokeratin. FMA, calponin and a diagnosis of low grade myoepithelial tumor was made following which hemimaxillectomy was done. Histopathology revealed tumor cells arranged in tubular, cribirifonn and solid patterns with perincural and intraneural invasion. A final diagnosis of high grade ACC was made and a high dose of radiation therapy was recommended. Keywords: Adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC), cribriform pattern, perineural invasion, epithelial membrane antigen (EMA).

Recurrent Cemento-Ossifying Fibroma of Mandible: A Case Report

Saad Ahmed, Sunita Pathak, Ravi Seth and Kartikeya Bharti

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Cemento-Ossifying Fibroma is a slow growing, benign non-odontogenic neoplasm most commonly found in the jaws. This tumor is most common in jaws and is related to vast amount of mesenchymal cellular induction into the bone (Lamina Dura) and cementum required in odontogenesis. Mandible shows greater predilection than maxilla. . A 45 year old female patient presented with a solitary swelling in left mandible posterior region with gradual increase in size within a period of 1 year. The patient also gave the history of two previous surgeries done before recurrence of the lesion one year back. CT scan report revealed heterodynes lesion with irregular expansion of buccal and lingual cortical plates following which Left Segmental Mandibulectomy was done for the patient. The excisional tissue showed connective tissue stroma comprising of cellular and fibrous component. The cellular component shows moderate degree of cellular and nuclear pleomorphism having nuclei shaped from oval to spindle and irregular. The fibrous stroma shows whorling, fascicular and storiform pattern and is mainly associated with the presence of immature bone, osteoid and cementum like spherules along with the fibro cellular component. No inflammatory cells are seen in the stroma with minimal atypia. Final diagnosis of Cemento Ossifying Fibroma was given

Mandibular Incisor with Facial Talon Cusp: A Rare Case Report

Karuna Sharma, Sujit Panda, Ashish Katiyar and Anil Kohli

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Talon cusp is a comparatively rare developmental dental anomaly speculated to arise as a result of evagination on the surface of a tooth crown before calcification has occurred.Any tooth may have a talon cusp but mostly it involves the maxillary lateral incisors. The anomaly has been reported to be rare especially when it is found to be present on mandibular teeth. Facial mandibular talon cusp is rarer than lingual type in permanent dentition This article reports a case of mandibular facial talon cusp which makes it a rare entity.

Central giant cell granuloma of anterior mandible: A case report

Dr. Anjana Singh, Dr. Rahul Srivastava, Dr.Vishal Mehrotra and Dr. Saman Ishrat

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Central giant cell granuloma (CGCG) is an uncommon, benign, and proliferative disorder of the jaw, considered widely to be a non neoplastic. This lesion accounts for <7% of all benign tumors. The actual etiology of CGCG is still unclear, although inflammation, hemorrhage, and local trauma have all been considered. The incidence in the general population is very low, and patients affected are generally younger than 30 years. Here, we report a case of CGCG in a 30 years old female patient.

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