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International Journal of Advance Research in Agriculture and Allied Industries, IJARAAI accepts articles of following categories:

1. Full length articles

2. Short communications

3. Invited review articles

Manuscript preparation guidelines are given as below:


Please use only Times New Roman for text (11 point) and symbol for Greek letters. The article should have abstract, keywords, introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion, conclusion, references. The manuscript should be typed with 1.5 spacing with page numbers on one side of paper only. The title should be bold sentence case; sub-heading should be bold italic and sub- sub heading normal italic.

At the head of manuscript the following information should be given; the title of paper, the name(s) of the author(s), the institute where the research was carried out. The e-mail address of corresponding author should be mentioned. The abstract should be concise and should represent the main text. The abstract should not exceed 150-200 words. Up to 8 alphabetically arranged keywords should be added after abstract. Each figure, table and bibliography entry must have a reference in the text. The manuscript file including tables, graphs and figures must be in MS Word (doc/docx) and Window Compatible. The repetition of the information in the form of table and graph MUST be avoided.


Typed manuscript in 1.5 spacing should not exceed 12 pages including figures, tables and list of references. Manuscript for short communication should not exceed 4 pages with not more than a total 2 figures or tables.

Units, Abbreviations and Nomenclature

For physical units, unit name and symbol the SI system should be employed. Biological name should be given according to latest international nomenclature. The names of varieties or genotypes must start and end with single inverted comma. (eg. ‘Pusa Cherry Tomato-1’; ‘HD 8777’)

Tables and Figures

Tables and Figures should be limited to necessary minimum. It is essential that figures are submitted as high resolution scan. The tables should fit in normal lay out of the page. Self explanatory tables should be typed on separate pages with appropriate title


For citing references, it should be ensured that the names and date in the text and at the end of article will be in alphabetical order. Examples:

• Allard, R.W. (1960) Principles of Plant Breeding. John willey and sons Inc., New York, pp. 485-486.

• Aneeta Yadav and Kamendra Singh (2015). Studies on genetic parameters for yield and quality traits in Soybean (Glycine max. L. Merrill.). International Journal of Basic and Applied Agricultural Research. 13(1):17-21.

• Biswajit Mondal , Anupam Singh, Aneeta Yadav, Ram Sewak Tomar, Vinod, Gyanendra Pratap Singh and Kumble Vinod Prabhu (2017). QTL mapping for early ground cover in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under drought stress. Current Science 112 (6): 1266-1271.

• Khan, I.A., Deadman, M.L. and AL- Habsi, K. (2001) Screening potatoes varieties for tuber production in Arid regions: Effect of planting date on yield potential, Agricultural Science 6, 41-46.

• The Plant List (2010). Version 1 Published on internet. http://www.theplantlist.org. Accessed on 12 March 2012.

• Yogesh Ruwali, Praveen Kumar and Aneeta Yadav (2013). Estimating genetic relationship through Morphological and Molecular markers in Oat (Avena sativa L.). VEGETOS 26 (2): 285-290.

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