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Author Guidelines

The "International Journal of Juridical Studies & research" (IJJSR) invites authors to submit manuscripts under following heads:

Article: An article is a thorough/ critical analysis of legal issues/ theories etc pertaining to procedural or substantive legal issues or legal issues currently being debated in India or abroad that could have an impact on India. The word limit for articles is between 3,000 to 4500 words excluding footnotes for being considered for publication in the Journal.

Book Reviews: Book reviews should be timely and objective and should consider the following:

• The intended audience for the book and who would find it useful.

• The main ideas and major objectives of the book and how effectively these are accomplished.

• The soundness of methods and information sources used.

• Constructive comments about the strength and weaknesses of the book.

• The articles/book reviews submitted for publication should be an original work of the author and should have not been published previously or currently is submitted for publication in any electronic or print media. The author will be responsible for the accuracy of statement of facts, opinions or views stated in the submitted manuscript. In case of any plagiarism found in the contents of submitted manuscript, the manuscript will be rejected. The final discretion as to the acceptance of the manuscripts rests with the Board of Editors of journal. The word limit for book review is between 1,500 to 2,500 words for being considered for publication in the Journal.

Case comment: Unlike a case summary, a case analysis is a technical piece of legal writing which delves deep into several layers of the case. You are required to peel these layers off to bring out the issues and analyse the significance of the case in the light of those issues. You can do this by following four simple steps:-

• Re-reading the case keeping in the mind the issues that you are going to discuss in the Comment;

• Comprehending complex situations and identifying the legal problems or lacunae in the case;

• Sieving out relevant details and indicators from the case that support your analysis.

• Reaching the conclusion by adopting a particular approach.

• The word limit for Case comment is between 2,000 to 3,000 words for being considered for publication in the Journal.

Manuscript Preparation Guidelines

1. Paper Title should be typed in Times New Roman, 12 Points, Bold, All Caps, and Centre Aligned.

2. Name of Author(s): (Max two authors) should be typed in Times New Roman, 12 Points, Italics, Centre Align

3. Author’s designation and e-mail (font size 10) must be made available below the name of the author.

4. Abstract Caption: [Times New Roman, 11 Points, Centre Align]

5. Abstract Text: [Times New Roman, 11 Points, Italics, Justify, 0.5 inch indent on both sides]

6. All articles/book reviews submitted should be typed in font Times New Roman with font size 12, line spacing 1.5; justified.

7. Footnotes cited in the manuscript should be typed in font Times New Roman with font size 10, line spacing 1; justified.

8. Citations should be in the form of footnotes comply with the latest edition of The Bluebook: A uniform System of Citation. Indian Citation as available on https://www.legalbluebook.com/

9. The articles/book reviews/Case comments should be submitted online. (Submit Manuscript Online)

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